Selection Procedure
The University of Groningen serves as the coordinating institution for the IMIM programme, meaning all communication related to admissions and the selection procedure is handled by the University of Groningen. However, the admission procedure involves all four partner universities and applications are reviewed collaboratively. Each university follows the same application regulations for the IMIM programme.
The IMIM programme aims to select approximately 25 students per intake, though the final number may vary at the discretion of the IMIM consortium based on the number and quality of applications. The selection process is conducted through a ranking of applications followed by selection interviews.
1st Round: Scoring on Selection Criteria
Upon the closing of the application deadline, a first evaluation of applications will take place. Applications that are sufficient on level of education will be ranked on general level of previous education, compatibility of previous education with the IMIM curriculum, motivation, research experience, references, among others.
The files of the students that passed the first eligibility check will be reviewed by the following criteria:
Scoring on selection criteria (see comment in cells below for % per criterion)
Weight (%)
Grades in relevant subjects (0-100)
Research (incl. degree projects) and relevant job experience (0-100)
Entrepreneurial attitude (taking intiative, independence, extracurricular activities) (0-100)
Reference forms (0-100)
Quality of interview
Quality presentation of previous undergraduate/graduate research project
Motivation (0-100)
2nd Round: Minimal Required Level of Education
This evaluation is to see if the students meet the minimal required general level of education.
3rd Round: Highest in Ranking - Selection Interview
Applicants with the highest scores in the ranking will be invited to participate in an online or in-person selection interview, which is expected to take place in February/March. As part of the selection process, candidates will be required to present a previous research project and complete an assignment, which will be sent along with the interview invitation and is mandatory for the interview. During the interview, the assignment, its presentation, the applicant’s motivation, and scientific aptitude will be assessed. The most qualified candidates will then be offered a place in the IMIM programme, with results expected to be communicated by early April.
If a student who has been offered a place in the programme – along with a scholarship, if applicable – withdraws, the next student in the ranking scheduled to start at the same partner university will be offered the place and the scholarship, if applicable. This process ensures an equal division of students among partner universities and aligns applicants' educational background with their first host university.
The (online) interviews will be reviewed by the following criteria:
Weight (%)
Quality presentation assignment
Compliance with assignment guidelines
Communication and presentation skills