Student Mobility

Mobility is a key feature of the IMIM programme. Students will spend one year studying at two of the European partner universities. They also have the opportunity to apply for a fourth-semester placement to conduct a research project at one of IMIM’s partner universities or private sector/industry partners. All IMIM students will spend their first and third semesters taking courses, while the second and fourth semesters are dedicated to research internships at all Partner universities. Depending on the local programme selected for IMIM year 2, there is a focus on additional courses or an additional internship.

Joint Events

In addition to their year-to-year mobility, the IMIM cohort will gather at least four times throughout the two-year programme. 

Firstly, the entire group will take part in a 3-days joint welcome and introduction event, alternately held in Tartu (Estonia) or Uppsala (Sweden). After the first semester, students will reunite for the 6-days IMIM Spring School in Heidelberg (Germany), focused on personal development. Before entering the third semester, students will take part in the 5-days Industry Perspectives on Innovative Medicine (IPIM) Summer School in Groningen (Netherlands), which emphasizes entrepreneurial and business skills. Finally, the cohort will conclude the third semester with a joint VentureLab Weekend in Groningen. A graduation ceremony is organised at each of the four partner universities, and all students are invited to attend, celebrating the completion of their IMIM accomplishments.

Mobility Paths


UT or UU


UG or UT

Year 2

Year 1


UG or UT or UU

UG or UU


UHEI: Heidelberg University; UG: University of Groningen; UT: University of Tartu; UU: Uppsala University.