Alejandra Duque Jaramillo (Colombia)

IMIM was equally enriching and challenging.

“My overall experience taking part in the IMIM program was quite positive. Academically, IMIM provided me the unique opportunity of carrying three different research projects during my master’s, which allowed me to explore a variety of topics that would have been impossible otherwise. This helped me to clearly define my interests for the next step I took: a PhD. I also benefited from the entrepreneurial components of the program, gaining knowledge that I would have not encountered otherwise. The most notable impact of this for me was that I carried out one of my research projects in a company. I think that, had I not been in IMIM, I would have not even considered this as an option. 

On a personal level, IMIM was equally enriching and challenging. I moved countries three times in less than two years, and was forced out of my comfort zone in several opportunities. I had to learn to work and communicate with people from different countries and backgrounds, and to navigate the administrative hurdles of a nascent program involving universities in three different countries.

Though frustrating at times, I found the IMIM team willing to help and receptive to comments. For example, they fully supported a proposal to bring the industry component of the program earlier to students, which resulted in the Industry and Innovation Day.

Being part of IMIM was enriching: I met people and friends I came to admire, and I learned more about me, my strengths, weakness and the things I enjoy doing, both academically and personally.”


Joaquín (Chile)


Carolina (Colombia)