Marina Rodriguez Rubio (Spain)

From IMIM I don’t only get academic satisfaction but I’m also greatful for having met many good friends from all around the globe

“I am a Biochemist graduated from Autonoma University in Madrid. During college I realized that I wanted to be a researcher, however I was interested in many different research topics and I was hesitating on which Master to study. Then I found the International Master in Innovative Medicine and it truly happened to be a great option for me.
IMIM helped me to get to know different areas of research in a deeper way (mainly through the courses I took) and then get to choose in what to specialize farther (during the three internships I did). This way I got to work first at a drug design lab at Groningen University, because I was very interested in molecular biology. Then I did an internship working with iPSCs and differentiation into heart cells at University of Sao Paolo, which was also a field I wanted to explore. During my second year I also got to experience what is like to work in a company, since I worked as an intern at IlYA Pharma in Sweden.

After completing the master I realized I wanted to study a PhD, and gathering all the experiences I got to know that I wanted to study stem cell differentiation and regenerative medicine.

Now after 8 months of completing IMIM I found the PhD position I was looking for. I will be working at the molecular biology research center in Madrid (CBM) with a Marie Curie scholarship, searching for ways to improve iPSC differentiation into neurons and studying the role of electrical stimulation in these process.

From IMIM I don’t only get academic satisfaction but I’m also greatful for having met many good friends from all around the globe that helped me get where I’m now, and that I know will be there whenever I need them.”


Klaudia (Poland)


Kendy (Venezuela)